
Opinion: ‘Ladies and Gentlemen -- Your 2008 California Democratic Delegation!’

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Bob Mulholland of the California Democratic Party just sent out a roundup and demographic details of the California delegation to Democratic National Convention in Denver (you may have heard something about that event). The whole list is after the jump, but the demographic details are interesting to look at here.

According to Mulholland’s roundup, the delegation includes people from all 53 congressional districts -- naturally, since that’s part of the formula for divvying up delegates -- but only 35 of the state’s 58 counties.


But it is, according to Mulholland, ‘the most diverse delegation in the nation,’ with 25.9% Latino, 17.2% African American, 8.6% Asian/Pacific Islander and 2.7% Native American. Those under age 30 compose 11.1% of the delegation, 7.7% are disabled and 11.3% are lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgendered. (Do you think the California Republicans will break out that demographic before their national convention?)

In raw numbers, Mulholland says California’s Democratic delegation includes 49 people younger than 30, which he points out is a higher number than the total delegations for 19 states and the District of Columbia. And those tallies do not include California’s 62 alternate delegates.

-- Scott Martelle

Last Name First Name City Occupation
Abner, Lalanya Los Angeles Film Maker
Adamski, Shayne Los Angeles Web Producer / Writer
Aguilar, M. Hope Culver City lawyer
Aguilar, Yolie Los Angeles Social Worker
Alari, Steven Long Beach Investigator
Albrecht, Erikson North Hollywood Attorney
Alegria, Maria Pinole Executive Director
Alejo, Luis Watsonville Staff Attorney
Alexander, Erika Playa Vista Actress/Producer
Alexander, Tony San Jose Political Director
Allard III, Edward Los Angeles President & CEO
Allison, Tim Santa Barbara Consultant
Allred, Gloria Pacific Palisades Attorney
Almagro, Devonna Chula Vista Executive Director
Alonso, Francisco Monterey Park Retired (Teacher)
Alquist, Elaine Santa Clara State Senator
Anand, Rajen Westminster University Professor
Anderson, Bobbie Los Angeles Retired
Archuleta, Bob Pico Rivera Real Estate Broker
Arellano, Christopher Los Angeles Union Representative
Arellano, Xochitl Sacramento Press Secretary
Arias, Miguel Mendota Chief of Staff, Fresno City Council District 1
Arnon, Benjamin Los Angeles Digital Media Business Development
Aronowitz, Steven Auburn Consultant
Ascher, Richard San Diego retired attorney
Atkins, Toni San Diego City Councilmember
Austin, Lea Tracy Early Childhood Education
Austin II, Alvin Long Beach Labor/Community Relations
Avant, Nicole Hermosa Beach Music publishing
Baca, Joe Rialto Member of Congress
Baden, John Oceanside
Badger, Elizabeth Winnetka CEO/Founder (Non Profit)
Bagley, Shawn Salinas Produce Broker
Baird, Janet Whittier School Board Trustee
Bakalian, Patricia Santa Cruz Consultant
Baker, Wendy Fairfax Government Relations
Baran, Patricia San Ramon Retired Federal Government Employee
Barbaro, Frank Laguna Beach Attorney
Barnes, Bill San Francisco District Rep.
Bass, Karen Los Angeles Assembly Speaker
Becerra, Xavier Los Angeles Member of Congress
Beetley, Martha Davis
Bender, Eric Oak Park Real Estate Asset Manager
Berman, Howard N. Hollywood Member of Congress
Bernard, Jeremy Los Angeles Investor
Bhullar, Nachhatar Arcadia Self-Employed
Binah, Rachel Little River Retired Innkeeper
Bird, Teresa Torrance retired
Bitbadal, Edesa San Jose Development Officer
Blanco, Maria El Cerrito Attorney / Lecturer
Bleich, Jeffrey Piedmont Attorney
Bolian, Gregory San Diego Disabled
Boxer, Barbara Greenbrae Senator
Bradford, Steven Gardena Regional Manager Public Affairs
Breed, London San Francisco Executive Director
Brickman, Mark San Mateo Court Reporter
Brown, Amos San Francisco Pastor
Brown, Corrine Sacramento
Brown, Meredith Oakland Attorney
Buenaventura, Raymond daly city Attorney
Burke, Yvonne Los Angeles County Supervisor
Burmeister, Erik Campbell Middle School Principal
Busby, Francine Cardiff By The Sea Fundraiser/ Speaker
Bush, Marcus National City Student
Bustos, Ana Marie Oakley Assistant Vice President - Compliance Consultant
Butler, Velma Altadena Union Official
Byrum, Garland Claremont retired
Caballero, Anna Salinas State Assemblymember
Cahill, Pamela Bayside retired educator
Calzada, Kathleen Oceanside Consultant
Camacho, Maria Luisa Encino Commercial Real Estate
Camacho, Robert Walnut Creek Executive Assistant
Capps, Lois Santa Barbara Member of Congress
Cardoza, Dennis Atwater Member of Congress
Carlson, Dave Del Mar Real Estate Investor/Editor
Carpenter-Madoshi, Diana Rocklin registered nurse
Carter, Kristin Santa Cruz Public Defender
Cedillo, Gil Los Angeles State Senator
Cervantes, Marisela Norwalk Executive Director
Chandler, Estee Valley Village
Chavez, Cindy San Jose Research fellow
Chen, Jay Hacienda Heights Real Estate Investments
Chiang, John Torrance State Controller
Chick, Laura Los Angeles City Controller
Chu, Judy Monterey Park Chair, State Board of Equalization
Clark, Wesley Roseville Retired Military
Cobb, Paul Oakland Publisher/editor
Cohen, Paul San Rafael Director of Govt Relations
Cole, Robert Los Angeles
Colson, Colleen Los Angeles Retired
Cooke, Pam Los Angeles Attorney
Costa, Jim Fresno Member of Congress
Crawford-Velasco, Krisna Palmdale Account Executive
Daar, Jeffery Northridge Lawyer
Darlington, Christiana Auburn Lawyer
Davila, Brigitte San Francisco Professor
Davis, Gray Los Angeles Attorney
Davis, Kathryn Pasadena attorney, civil appeals
Davis, Mike Los Angeles State Assemblymember
Davis, Susan San Diego Member of Congress
De La Torre, Hector South Gate State Assemblymember
De Leon, Kevin Los Angeles State Assemblymember
De Ocampo, Alexander Los Angeles
DeBono, Joseph South San Francisco Ramp Service
Delaney, Kath Kensington Madera Group
DeLaurentis, Susan Santa Monica
Delgado, Gustavo Anaheim
Dellums, Ronald Oakland Mayor
Doggett, Carolyn Belmont Executive Director
Doherty, Clay San Francisco Senior Vice President
Dolan, Jane Chico County Supervisor
Donahoe, Eileen Portola Valley Scholar
Doten, Rebecca Los Angeles Director of Communications
Duarte, Reuben Berkeley Paralegal
Dunn, Sandra Carmichael Attorney
Duran, John W. Hollywood Attorney/City Councilmember
Durazo, Maria Elena Los Angeles AFL-CIO CLC Secty-Treas.
Durso, Kimberly Chico Deposition/court reporter
Dymally, Mervyn Compton State Assemblymember
Early, Mary Ellen Sherman Oaks Information Systems Analyst
Echaveste, Maria Berkeley
Egenolf, Robert Santa Barbara Attorney at Law
Emberland, Sandy Thousand Oaks Computer Trainer
Emblem, Thor Escondido Attorney
Escudero, Gonzalo San Francisco Private Chef
Escutia, Martha Whittier Attorney
Eshoo, Anna Atherton Member of Congress
Espinoza, Edward Long Beach Political & Public Relations Strategy
Everhart, Maisha Oakland Northern CA Director
Farar, Sim Los Angeles Investors
Farr, Sam Carmel Member of Congress
Feinstein, Dianne San Francisco Senator
Feller, Fred Berkeley Attorney
Ferguson, Steven Burbank
Fernandez, Giselle Los Angeles Producer
Fierro, Mary Fresno Teacher
Filner, Bob San Diego Member of Congress
Florez, Dean Shafter State Senator
Florez, Elsa Shafter Consultant
Foat, Ginny Palm Springs Consultant
Forshay, Bob Palmdale Retired
Forster, Linda Los Angeles Business
Foster, Robert Long Beach Mayor
Frank Bailey, Linnie Corona writer
Franklin, Rachialle San Francisco Case Manager
Freeman, Matthew Fremont Educator
Freeman, Tyrone Los Angeles
Friedman, Mark Berkeley Children’s Services Director
Friedrich, John Midpines Environmental Analyst
Frommer, Dario Glendale Attorney
Fuentes, Felipe Sylmar State Assemblymember
Gallardo Rooker, Alexandra Sacramento Lobbyist
Galloway, Lorri Anaheim Member, Anaheim City Council / Executive Director
Garamendi, John Walnut Grove Lieutenant Governor
Garber, Linnette Laguna Niguel
Garcetti, Eric Los Angeles City Council President
Garcia, Arianne Baldwin Park student/field organizer
Garcia, Ernest Downey Vice President
Garcia, Sara Rialto shift manager
Gaxiola, Elsa Chula Vista Architect
Gesick, Dorothy Poway retired school administrator
Getto, Michael Santa Barbara Hotelier
Gibson, Donald Davis Student
Goldfarb, Samuel Sherman Oaks Retired Attorney
Gomez, Jimmy Los Angeles Political Representative
Gonzales, Ruth South El Monte Retired Teacher
Gonzalez, Javier San Jose Community Relations Director
Gordon, Richard Menlo Park County Supervisor
Goss, Patricia Tiburon Consultant
Grajeda, Cecelia Commerce Union President/Leader
Griffin, Chad Los Angeles Self-Employed
Grunwald, Marilyn Canoga Park Writer
Hahn, Janice San Pedro City Councilmember
Hanna, John Orange Attorney
Hardy, Jill Huntington Beach Teacher
Hariton, Lorraine Los Altos Hills High Tech Executive
Harman, Jane Venice Member of Congress
Harmon, Kathleen San Diego Social Worker
Harmon, Reygan Oakland Legislative Analyst
Harris, Alice Los Angeles Executive Director
Harris, Kamala San Francisco District Attorney
Hasan, Kamil Saratoga Investor
Hawthorne, Jacquelynn Los Angeles Retired
Hays, William Pacific Palisades Developer
Hedayat, Yashar Beverly Hills Managing Partner
Henley, Carl Los Angeles Attorney-at-Law
Henry, Inola Los Angeles Retired teacher
Herrera, Dennis San Francisco Attorney
Herrera, Lisa Pico Rivera Field Representative
Holden, Chris Pasadena Real Estate Consultant
Holland, Sherry Santa Barbara Executive Assistant
Honda, Michael San Jose Member of Congress
Honrath, Taylor Huntington Beach Legislative aide
Hopkins-Parham, Davida Irvine College Adminstrator/Educator
Houser, Misha Garden Grove Consultant
Houssni, Mari San Jose teacher
Howard, Leslie Modesto yoga teacher
Hu, Roger Los Altos Engineer
Huerta, Dolores Bakersfield President Dolores Huerta Foundation
Huffman, Alice Sacramento
Huguenin, Aleita Rancho Murieta Self-employed
Hurley, Patrick Santee Supervisor
Hyman, David North Hills Letter Carrier
Israel, Tania Santa Barbara Professor
Jacobs, Judith Ontario Not employed
Jammal, Sam La Mirada Attorney
Jenkins, Bernita Bakersfield
Johnson, James Long Beach Assistant City Auditor
Johnston, Marsha San Diego Journalist
Jones-Sawyer, Reginald Los Angeles Government; Real Estate
Julian, Betty Turlock Attorney
Kapitz, Jay Oak Park CFO
Kapre, Kranti Hercules Project Mgmt
Katzburg, Judith Oak Park
Kawahata, Molly Palo Alto Student
Kehoe, Christine San Diego State Senator
Keithley, Kathleen North Hills Luxury Travel Manager
Keller, Janet Laguna Beach Consultant
Kirk, Serena Sacramento Policy Analyst
Klatchko, Kira Palm Springs Attorney
Klein, Kathleen Lafayette None
Knell, Derek Novato Graphic Communication
Knox, Marlene San Anselmo Retired
Kook, Adam Merced Substitute teacher
Koplin, Cecily Stevenson Ranch
Krumpen, Tracy Napa Insurance Broker
Laird, John Santa Cruz State Assemblymember
Lazalde, Carlos Los Angeles Student
Lee, Barbara Oakland Member of Congress
Lee, David Upland Lawyer
Lee, Eric Inglewood Civil Rights Activist
Lieu, Ted Torrance State Assemblymember
Little, David San Diego
Little, Willie Oceanside Retired
Lo, Henry Rosemead Senior Field Representative
Lockyer, William Hayward State Treasurer
Lofgren, Zoe San Jose Member of Congress
Longo, August San Francisco None
Love, Diana Palmdale Customer Service
Lugo, Vanessa Wasco Policy Consultant
Luna, Vincent Hollister Retired
Lythcott-Haims, Julie Palo Alto University Administrator
Ma, Fiona San Francisco State Assemblymember
Macarro, Holly Temecula Govt. Affairs
Mack, Kim Sacramento Facilties Manager
Maher, Meghan La Palma Recreation Specialist
Manatt, Charles Los Angeles Co-Chairman
Mangers, Dennis Carmichael President
Marquez, Alma South Gate Vice President, External & Government Affairs
Marquez, Jorge Covina State Legislative Aide
Marroquin-Henley, Cynthia Los Angeles Customer Service
Marteau, Kimberly Beverly Hills Producer
Martin, Robert Banning Chairman of Tribal Council
Martinez, Michele Santa Ana Human Resources/Education Foundation Director
Martinez, Rueben Santa Ana Retail Bookstore Owner
Matsui, Doris Sacramento Member of Congress
Maviglio, Steven Sacramento Legislative Aide
Mayo, Pam Visalia Disabled
Mays, Carla Carlsbad Philanthropic & Strategy Consultant
McClintock, Marie Lancaster Housewife
McElhinney, Ryan Chico Student
McFadden-Lawson, Mattie Los Angeles Interior Design
McGinnis, Michael Chico Executive Director
McInerney, Thomas San Anselmo Attorney
McMillion, Betty Beaumont Retired/Businesswoman
McNerney, Gerald Pleasanton Member of Congress
Medina, Jose Riverside Teacher
Merrill, Katherine Kensington Consultant
Migden, Carole San Francisco State Senator
Miller III, George Martinez Member of Congress
Millman, Jeffrey Los Angeles
Molina, Gloria Los Angeles County Supervisor
Monroy, Antonio South Gate Glass Man
Moore, Gwen Los Angeles CONSULTANT
Moore, James Rialto Retired Counselor
Moret, Matthew Los Angeles Student
Moses, Eleanor Albany Retired
Mulholland, Bob Chico Campaign Advisor
Murph, Frederick Los Angeles Minister
Murphy, Mark Vallejo Retail & Entertainer
Murphy, Vickere La Crescenta Editor
Murrillo, Arthur Stockton Lecturer
Napolitano, Grace Norwalk Member of Congress
Nelson, Duane Modesto Attorney
Newsom, Gavin San Francisco Mayor
Nibert, Jeff Pleasanton Project Manager
Nichols, Christopher Menlo Park Marketing Manager
Noushkam, Nikki Cerritos Engineer
Ntuk, Uduak Bakersfield Petroleum Engineer
Nunez, Fabian Los Angeles State Assemblymember
O’Connell, Jack San Luis Obispo Superintendent of Public Instruction
Oddie, James Alameda Attorney
Oropeza, Jennifer Long Beach State Senator
Osburn, Nathan Sacramento Communications/Speechwriter
Padilla, Alex Pacoima State Senator
Pae, Jennifer Oakland Project Director
Paralusz, Kathleen Manhattan Beach Attorney
Parks, Bernard Los Angeles City Councilmember
Parra, Nicole Hanford State Assemblymember
Parrish, Charles San Francisco
Pasquil, Mona Walnut Grove Vice President
Paulson, Lou Walnut Creek President of Labor Org. / Firefighter
Pelham, Rachel Claremont Student
Pelosi, Christine San Francisco Author
Pelosi, Nancy San Francisco Speaker of the House
Pelote, Willie Sacramento
Penko, Raymond Mountain View Disabled
Perata, Don Oakland State Senator
Perez, Carmen Long Beach Principal, Coperez & Co.
Perez, John Los Angeles Labor Official
Perry, Tara Los Angeles Business Owner/ Recruiter
Petit, Robert San Jose Electronic Engineer
Pfeifer, Susan San Francisco Advertising Mgr.
Preciado, Jose Chula Vista Educator
Prevatt, Christopher Long Beach Program Supervisor
Price Jr., Curren Inglewood State Assemblymember
Prozan, Rebecca San Francisco Assistant District Attorney
Pulaski, Art Berkeley Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Quan, Jean Oakland City Councilmember
Quimby, Karin Ojai District Representative
Quirk, William Hayward City Council Member
Randle, Murlene San Francisco Attorney at Law
Rankin, Robert Carson Retired
Rao, Nagaraja Richmond Vice Chairman , City Of Richmond Planning Commissioner
Rey, Lilli Hillsborough School Volunteer
Rhude, Kenneth Castaic Stay at home dad
Richard, Ken Walnut Creek Advertising Executive
Richards-Bowers, Margaret Los Angeles Registered Nurse
Richardson, Laura Long Beach Member of Congress
Richardson, Rex Long Beach Union Representative
Rico, Laura Cypress Teacher/Union Pres. full time
Ridley-Thomas, Mark Los Angeles State Senator
Riley, Marilyn El Cajon Attorney
Rivas, Margarita Los Angeles Director of Scheduling for the Mayor
Rivkin, Charles Santa Monica CEO
Robbins, Sharon Modesto RN / Disabled
Roberson, Charles Sonoma Engineer/Entrepreneur
Roberts, Craig San Diego Senior Systems Engineer
Robinson, Jacqueline Pasadena Community & Political Organizer
Rodrigues, Annette San Jose Project Engineer
Rodriguez, Greg Palm Springs Consultant
Rogers, Matt Selma Farmer/Political Consultant
Rojas, Natalie Santa Cruz Student
Romero, Gloria Los Angeles State Senator
Romero, James Yorba Linda Research
Romines, Lisa Huntington Beach Paralegal
Roos, John Hillsborough Attorney
Rose, Susan Santa Barbara Retired
Ross-Tait, Courtney Studio City Professional Roller Skater
Rosselli, Sal San Francisco President
Rott, Rachel Vista Bookkeeper
Roybal-Allard, Lucille Los Angeles Member of Congress
Rubin, Joyce Studio City TV/Film Producer/Caterer/ Fun Consultant/Mother
Rubio, Dora Bakersfield RDH
Saez, Mirian San Francisco
Salas, Mary Chula Vista State Assemblymember
Sanchez, Avygail Huntington Park Urban Planner
Sanchez, David Rancho Mirage Educator
Sanchez, Linda Lakewood Member of Congress
Sanchez, Loretta Santa Ana Member of Congress
Sandhu, Harpreet Richmond Clerk
Sandoval, Gabriel Los Angeles Deputy Legal Counsel to the Mayor
Schiff, Adam Burbank Member of Congress
Schinler, Erika San Diego Housewife
Schneider, Daniel Pleasanton Professional Care Representative
Schrank, Martha Fullerton Retired
Schuelke, Gregory Redlands
Serrano Sewell, David San Francisco San Francisco Deputy City Attorney
Sewell, Sandra La Quinta Executive Director
Shay, Garry Los Angeles Attorney
Shellen, Antonette (Toni ) Fremont Retired Teacher
Sherman, Brad Sherman Oaks Member of Congress
Simmons, Rob Palm Springs Lawyer
Sims, Hellen San Jose high school teacher
Singh, Daljit Visalia Professor Emeritus
Singh, Resham Bakersfield Business
Sjobeck, Erik Costa Mesa
Skelton, Karen Sacramento Principal
Slaton, Bill Carmichael Member, Board of Directors
Smith, Steve West Hollywood consultant
Solis, Hilda El Monte Member of Congress
Solomon, Norman Inverness Writer
Solorio, Jose Santa Ana State Assemblymember
Spanjian, Laura San Francisco Assistant General Manager, External Affairs, SFPUC
Speier, Jackie San Francisco Member of Congress
Stampolis, Christopher Santa Clara Committee to Elect
Stark, Fortney Fremont Member of Congress
Steinberg, Darrell Sacramento State Senator
Stepter, Louis Northridge Consultant
Sterling, Cynthia Fresno City Council Member
Stevens, Sally La Habra School Social Worker
Steyer, Thomas San Francisco Investment Professional
Strait, Crystal Sacramento Political Director
Straughan, Jerry Weimar Professor of American Government, Retired
Swanson, Sandre Alameda State Assemblymember
Swenson, Bruce PALO ALTO Community College Trustee
Takano, Mark Riverside Teacher
Tauscher, Ellen Alamo Member of Congress
Testa-McCullagh, Cindy San Francisco Public Affairs Director
Thompson, Mike St. Helena Member of Congress
Thurber Jr., James Los Altos Retired Foreign Service Officer
Thurmond, Tony Richmond Non Profit Executive Director
Tidrick, Steve Oakland Attorney
Torello, Robin San Leandro Insurance Consultant
Torres, Art San Francisco Chairman
Torres, Marina Calistoga Teacher
Torres, Norma Pomona Mayor
Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis, Eleni San Francisco President
Umemoto, Keith Sacramento Manager
Uriarte Smith, Silissa Long Beach Executive Director
Urias, Bryan Baldwin Park Field Representative
Vanderet, Robert Pacific Palisades Retired Attorney
Vargas, April Montara Interior Decorator/Community Organizer
Velez, Virginia Alameda Disabled
Villaraigosa, Antonio Los Angeles Mayor
Villescaz, Paula Carmichael Finance Assistant
von Szeliski, Victoria Beverly Hills Business Affairs
Waldman, Ayelet Berkeley Author
Walker, Curtis Grass Valley Administrator
Wall, Ronald Ontario Healthcare Consultant
Walsh, David Whittier Presentation Specialist
Wanderman, Wendy Santa Monica Film Producer/Trader
Wang, Alicia San Francisco Teacher
Wang, Brian San Francisco Attorney
Waters, Maxine Los Angeles Member of Congress
Watkins, Vernon Diamond Bar
Watson, Diane Los Angeles Member of Congress
Waxman, Henry Los Angeles Member of Congress
Weiss, Jack Los Angeles City Councilmember
West, Tony Oakland Attorney
Westly, Steve Atherton Entrepreneur
Wheeler, Yvonne Long Beach Senior Field Representative
White, Nancy Ruth Redlands retired teacher
Williams, Glen Beverly Hills Real Estate
Wong, Julie Los Gatos Teacher
Woods-Jones, Dezie Madera Ret. Educator/Training & P.R. Consultant
Woolsey, Lynn Petaluma Member of Congress
Wyman, Rosalind Los Angeles Retired
Ybarra, Steven Sacramento Teacher
Yeager, Marisa Riverside Government
Young, Steve Newport Beach Attorney
