
Bell Against Reagan Proposal to Slash Student Aid

United Press International

Former Education Secretary Terrel H. Bell said Tuesday that a proposal by President Reagan to slash student aid would “clobber students” and “hurt colleges.”

Bell predicted that Congress would agree with his assessment and reject Reagan’s proposal that a $4,000 annual limit be imposed on student aid and that no assistance go to a youngster whose family income tops $32,500.

“I realize the President needs to reduce the federal deficit, but I don’t think Congress will go along with him on this,” said Bell, who resigned as secretary Dec. 31 to return to private life and his home in Salt Lake City. He made the comments in a telephone interview.


Reagan recommended the cuts in student aid in proposing to Congress Monday a fiscal 1986 Education Department budget of $15.5 billion, down $2.4 billion from current spending.

“Right now, matters are in a negotiation stage” between the White House and Congress, Bell said.
