
Letters to the Editor : Disposing of Trash

There seems to be a lot of misinformation being put out by some opposing the North County Resource Recovery Center.

Prior to coming to this area several years ago, I had the opportunity to serve as a councilman in Kasson, Minn. During my tenure, I had the duty of studying resource recovery versus landfills for my city and county.

Over the years, many towns in Minnesota have fallen victim to landfills that have grown at an alarming rate in both size and pollution. Farming communities such as Kasson and Redwing have suffered from water and air contamination as well as infestation by vermin (rats, etc.) generated from these sites. For these reasons, over a decade ago, many cities and counties began to look to resource recovery to help solve these problems.


A facility in Hot Springs, Ark., in the center of their recreation area, was one I had the opportunity to study in depth. I saw for myself what a good neighbor this plant was. Within blocks of the baths and racetrack, the plant has installed tennis courts right next to it. There are no odors or emissions that disturb the ability to enjoy the outdoor recreation that is so important to the area’s economy. It is a clean operation.

Redwing, Minn., today is the location of another center that has been located within two blocks of Main Street. It is on the river and close to major hotels. It, along with others in Minnesota, has proven so successful both economically and environmentally that more are being planned for the area.

We shouldn’t wait until it is too late. San Diego County is looking at some real problems with waste disposal if we don’t use the best in technology, which is available with the NCRRC.




What do I think about trash being burned to generate electricity, when Americans have always tried to be ahead of everybody else in technology and innovations?

There is only one word that best describes this garbage technology and the huge health risk that goes with it. Dumb!

Why? Because we are supposed to move ahead to future ideals of clean energy sources. Lets face it. Pollution is out and modern recycling and wise use of natural resources in in .

As soon as fusion and all the New Age sources of abundant electrical power break through, this garbage burning nightmare in San Marcos will never compete, and this burner will serve no purpose other than being a good cover to burn toxic waste. The very strength of our nation depends greatly on its freedom to breath clean air, not recycle it!



