
Reagan and Social Security

As a Social Security recipient, I have no objection to Reagan’s cutting the cost-of-living increase. As a matter of fact, I have suggested to Sen. Dole that the increase be eliminated entirely, at least for those of us who have sufficient other resources.

But I do strongly resent the way in which Reagan presented the matter. He’s using the same phony “black-is-white” logic that he uses with MX (“Peacemaker”) and Nicaragua (the “Freedom Fighters”).

Those who say that Reagan has gone back on his promise not to cut Social Security are right. A 2% cap on the cost-of-living allowance is an increase only if the cost of living actually rises less than 2%, which hardly seems likely.


If Reagan had been straightforward about the matter, he might have gotten away with the cut. As it is, I suspect that he’s going to catch hell--deservedly--in the House.


