
the spirit of love

Regarding an article titled “A Country Gem That’s Filled With Americana” in Home, Sept. 23: That home has a very special meaning, as I am one of the daughters of Sumner Blake, builder of the home. I lived there for 18 years, until we moved to Arizona. All those who ever came into our home in the Palisades said that they always felt a special warmth there, and a true feeling of love within. I thought you might be interested to know the builder, Sumner, and his wife (my mother) Nancy, are still alive and very productively well in Scottsdale, Ariz. My sister, who lives in Los Angeles, and I feel grateful that my father has had, through your magazine, this well-deserved “surprise” tribute to his excellent work. Thank you for putting into print what we have always known--that our father is multitalented, multi-faceted and filled to overflowing with the true spirit of love. Jennifer Blake Bothell, Wash.
