
Supervisor Wieder’s Trip to S. Africa

I was shocked by the reported attitude of Supervisor Harriett Wieder, both in her pre-trip and post-trip behavior. Supervisor Wieder’s attitude toward Americans keeping their investments in South Africa will be remembered by the 3,074 blacks in her district, should she seek reelection.

While this only represents 12.1% of the district, that’s 12.1% fewer votes that she will have even if she were to run for dog catcher. Add this to what I believe to be a fair number of well-meaning non-blacks in the district, and she can forget reelection.

While Orange County may be a conservative county, let us make it perfectly clear that this woman does not speak for the county at large. I’m sure that there may be others who don’t understand what is going on in South Africa, but thank God, they are bright enough to keep it to themselves.



Mission Viejo
