
Israel and South Africa

Readers of The Times were treated to a vicious broadside comparing Israel to South Africa by Mark Bruzonsky, who made sure to add in his bio that he “was Washington associate of the World Jewish Congress during 1977-1983.”

Bruzonsky long ago joined the anti-Israel camp, but he still manages to infuse his writing with contrived hurt feelings, as if Israel had finally done something that had pushed another long-time sympathizer to reappraisal of the country and its policies.

The fact is that Bruzonsky has been a constant opponent of Israel since the 1970s. In one memorable interview in Worldview in 1979, Bruzonsky, the interviewer, reproached Egyptian Foreign Minister Boutros Ghali for making peace with Israel. He asked Ghali how Egypt could hope to solve the Palestinian problem now that it had “given up the military option.”



Los Angeles

Smith is assistant to the director of the Pacific Southwest Region of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.
