
Decision Is Expected Today on McReynolds’ Arbitration Hearing

Kevin McReynolds, the player, and Jack McKeon, the general manager, were in the hotel room together Wednesday, but neither said a word.

Others argued on their behalf.

Three and a half hours later, McReynolds’ arbitration hearing ended in Los Angeles, and he officially became a 1986 Padre.

It’s just that nobody knows how much he’ll make.

Arbitrator Tom Roberts will hand over a decision today. Either McReynolds, a 26-year-old center fielder, will make $450,000 (that’s what he asked for) or $275,000 (that’s what the Padres asked for).


McReynolds declined to comment Wednesday evening, but McKeon said: “I just sat and listened. I’ve got no impression. I’ve got no idea (what the outcome will be). The last two times I thought we won and we didn’t. But it was a very good hearing. Both sides were well prepared.”

The Padres were represented by former Yankee and Astro executive Tal Smith. McReynolds was represented by his agent, Tom Selakovich, who also was unavailable for comment.
