
Margie Gee and Airport Authority

The choice being given Margie Gee either to drop her lawsuit against the Burbank Airport or resign from the airport commission does not adequately consider all the possibilities.

The Burbank City Council knew last year when it appointed her to the commission that she had litigation on file. Her experience and knowledge of airport activities are unquestioned, however, and she was by far the best candidate for the appointment. She is not afraid to speak out for what is right. Those qualifications have not changed. She has effectively represented the homeowners in Burbank, showing as much concern for the city as a whole as for the residents on the west side of town. Her presence on the authority has been a tremendous asset to our city, because she is interested in maintaining the quality of life in Burbank and does not want to see the character of our community changed.

There is a third alternative to her situation that many have not considered. This is to allow her to remain on the authority, as is, and just not participate in the votes that would have a direct impact on the noise issue. All Burbank needs from its representatives are two loyal votes.


What is being called a “conflict of interest” may not even exist. The lawsuit in question is several years old and was concerned with damages inflicted prior to that time, not currently, nor in the future. How can being a commissioner today have an effect on past damages?

Burbank is rapidly losing control of airport operations. If we are to save our city from becoming a megalopolis, we need to keep Margie Gee on the Airport Authority.


