
Linda Thor of Alhambra has been named...

Linda Thor of Alhambra has been named president of West Los Angeles College. Thor previously served as senior director of occupational and technical education for the Los Angeles Unified School District. Thor received an undergraduate degree from Pepperdine University, a graduate degree from California State University, Los Angeles, and is doing doctoral work at Pepperdine.

Monterey Park City Councilman David Almada has been named principal of Florence Nightingale Junior High School in Los Angeles. Almada previously served as assistant principal at Belvedere Junior High School in East Los Angeles.

William A. Hasler, western regional vice chairman of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., and Gerald D. Foster, regional vice president for Pacific Bell, have been appointed to the Pomona College Board of Trustees. Hasler received an undergraduate degree from Pomona College and a graduate degree from Harvard University Graduate School of Business. Foster, of Prescott, Ariz., received an undergraduate degree from California Western University and a graduate degree from California State University, Los Angeles.


Dr. Christian B. Rutland has been appointed director of outpatient services at Ingleside Hospital in Rosemead. Rutland completed his residency at the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute at the University of California, San Francisco.

Winslow Rogers has been appointed associate dean at the Claremont Graduate School. Rogers had served as chairman of the literature and language department at Webster University in St. Louis, Mo.

Archbishop Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles has been named honorary chairman of Don Bosco Technical Institute in Rosemead, and Robert Hohne, senior vice president of Southern California Gas Co.; William J. Johnston, former superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District; Julian A. Lobosky, president of Metallurgical Testing Corp. in the City of Industry; Rev. Armando Ochoa of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church and James R. Stull, chairman of Tower Industries, have been appointed to the institute’s board of trustees.


Martha Reynolds, a marriage, family and child counselor, has been elected president of the marriage counselor and social work department at Charter Oak Hospital in Covina and Lynn Foerster, Ph.D., has been appointed director of women’s services at the hospital, a private psychiatric facility. Foerster received her doctorate in clinical psychology at Fuller Seminary and previously worked at Ingleside Hospital in Rosemead.

John R. Price of El Monte has been reappointed to the Los Angeles County-El Monte Comprehensive Health Center Authority Commission by Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Chairman Pete Schabarum. Price is a retired educator.

Lori Rochelle Brandt, 20, has been named Miss Azusa. A student at Azusa Pacific University, Brandt will compete in the Miss California Pageant in June. Brandt was awarded $800.
