
‘Peel-Off’ Fund-Raiser for Orangewood Set

Ralph B. Clark, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, has an expensive orange to peel on Tuesday morning. It cost $10,000.

Moreover, Clark will be challenging the other four supervisors at 8:30 a.m. in Santa Ana to peel oranges against him, with the winning supervisor then to compete in a foot race.

What goes? It’s a fund-raiser that’s part of the effort to raise $100,000 for the Orangewood Children’s Foundation, which benefits Orangewood, the county shelter for abused or neglected children, in Orange.


The orange that Clark will peel was “purchased” with a $10,000 donation to Orangewood by La Casa, the auxiliary for the children’s home. Nacie Weiss, president of La Casa, said the orange was purchased and donated in honor of the news media of Orange County for their role in supporting efforts to build the home.

Whoever wins the “orange peel-off” among the supervisors will challenge Laguna Beach City Councilman Dan Kenney in the first annual Run for Orangewood to be held at the Fluor Recreation Facility in Irvine on April 12. That run, part of the “Orangewood Week” for fund raising, is open to the public.
