
U.S. Help for the Plunderers

What monsters our government has created with its unlimited largess! Marcos, Duvalier, Somoza--all despots and oppressors of their people. All elevated to wealth and privilege with the help of American money (and arms).

On national television, when asked about the source of Marcos’ wealth, Donald Regan (chief of staff for Ronald Reagan) implied that “how Marcos got his money and what he does with it is no business of the United States.”

The dictators have lived in luxury on U.S. taxpayers’ dollars--dollars sent to relieve the poverty and hunger in their countries, dollars sent to build the homes, industries and economies of these countries. Instead of helping the people, the money has helped these dictators to plunder the treasuries of their countries. When finally the fraud and corruption became unbearable, the people themselves have broken this yoke of oppression.




Redondo Beach
