
Les Is the Most as His Last-Second Shot Wins All-Star Game for the West, 94-92

Bradley guard Jim Les hit a 30-foot jump shot at the buzzer to rally the West to a 94-92 victory over the East Sunday in the 24th annual NABC All-America college basketball game.

Les, who scored 10 points and was a key playmaker for his team, shot his long jumper with one second to go to give the West its seventh consecutive victory in the annual meeting of the college senior all-stars.

Georgetown’s David Wingate scored 11 of his 14 points in the first half and was named the most valuable player.


Jacksonville’s Otis Smith also was a standout for the East, finishing with 14 points, including a free throw with :17 to play that tied the score, 92-92.

The West, which leads the series 13-11, broke from a 30-30 score with eight minutes to go in the first half to take a 53-46 halftime lead.

John Brown of New Mexico scored 13 and hit 7 points in the closing minutes of the first half to key the West.


Kevin Catron of St. Cloud scored 12 for the West and Villanova’s Harold Pressley added 10.

Montana’s Larry Krwstkowiak scored 12 for the West and hit 3 clutch free throws in the final 43 seconds to help the West.
