
A Challenge to Charges of Police ‘Brutality’ in Newport

Reports of police brutality have been phoned to various members of the press, probably by visitors to the area on July 4. This letter is to state as strongly as I know how that there was no “brutality” from the police in this area, 38th Street, which I understand was one of the hot spots. The police were very much under control.

I’m sorry they are so restrained by law that they can’t give as much as they take when on duty. I saw several take direct hits by thrown bottles. I swept up pounds of broken glass from the street just in front of my house, all a result of bottles pitched mostly at patrolmen. Usually the throwers are not caught.

The same goes for the less than intelligent ones who throw firecrackers, bottle rockets or skyrockets into cars, onto balconies, at bicyclers, into crowds or onto roofs. Fire is the biggest fear in this crowded residential area.


We who are full-time residents of this area are sick of the July 4 scene in West Newport Beach. The casual day visitors and the one-week party people are the ones who holler “brutality,” not we who make this area home.

Publicity given to baseless accusations of “police brutality” will not help us or the patrolmen. Action and editorials for stronger methods and tighter controls will help us.


Newport Beach
