
Appalled by Practices

As a real estate broker and salesperson with 11 years experience, I am appalled at the current practices of appraisers and mortgage brokers.

Our clients have to wait up to three months for appraisals, lenders who promise loan documents “next week” don’t deliver for weeks, and appraisers who won’t use “closed comps” two streets away in the same tract, same floor plan because “There are two others on the same street.” (Which are not even comparable.)

I have sent clients to the East Coast for Christmas, and stored all their belongings because they didn’t have a home for two months due to lost and duplicated paper work of lenders; watched a property go into foreclosure because of an incorrect appraiser and had a home go 60 days over the escrow period due to a three-month appraisal and a mortgage broker lying to me every week regarding the buyer’s status.


One appraiser called me for an appointment on two-hour notice after already waiting 45 days and told me if I didn’t cancel out my schedule for him, he’d put me on the bottom of his pile!


La Habra
