
Anaheim : Voters to Be Asked About Fireworks Ban

The City Council on Tuesday approved the wording of a proposed November ballot measure that will ask voters if they want to “prohibit” or “ban” the sale of fireworks.

After a short discussion on the wording of a Nov. 4 ballot measure regarding fireworks, the council approved language recommended by the city attorney with one change: They added the word ban .

The measure will now read: “Shall Chapter 6.40 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to prohibit (ban) the retail sale of all fireworks within the City of Anaheim and prohibit (ban) the possession or discharge of any fireworks within the City of Anaheim except pursuant to a public display permit issued by the Fire Chief?”

Councilwoman Miriam Kaywood requested the addition to ensure that voters would not be confused and vote yes when they meant no, and vice versa.
