
Cypress : No Conflict in Mayor’s Jobs, City Attorney Says

There is no conflict of interest in Mayor Otto J. Lacayo’s serving on the City Council while simultaneously holding a post as a community college trustee, City Atty. Mark J. Huebsch told council members Monday.

Huebsch was responding to questions raised by some residents who are angry about council approval of a commercial development that would eliminate the Los Alamitos Golf Course. Lacayo has been a trustee of the North Orange County Community College District since last December.

The issue arose when irate golfers recently gave city officials opinions of the California legislative counsel which indicated that a city council member cannot hold both positions at the same time.


“All my votes since 1970 have never dealt with the college (district),” said Lacayo, who is stepping down as mayor in two weeks.

Huebsch said that even if Lacayo could not legally hold both offices, his past votes as a councilman would still be valid.
