
Rejection of Rose Bird

I trust that the people of California who voted against Rose Bird, Cruz Reynoso and Joseph Grodin are satisfied. But how do you explain to all those voters that they were not part of a “grass roots” movement to remove the justices and that it was not the people who instigated the campaign? They were but the pawns of several wealthy industries who have much to attain--at the expense of the people.

Through massive funding and use of the emotionally charged subject of the death penalty, the oil, insurance and chemical industries, among others, convinced Californians that they must vote to remove Bird, Reynoso and Grodin. They even used the families of crime victims to give their campaign an appearance of being “grass roots.”

You were all used and manipulated. You served private interests (and the politicians subservient to them) well by voting to remove from office justices who had a record of championing the rights of the consumer and the worker. Justices who in reality were concerned with the health, welfare and protection of the people through the courts and did not cater to outside pressures.


It is you, the people of California, who have lost--much to the delight of those who so successfully manipulated you.


Los Angeles
