
Judge Blocks Release of Marcos Videotapes

Videotaped depositions from former Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos and his wife will remain sealed, U.S. District Judge Mariana Pfaelzer ruled Monday in Los Angeles.

The depositions were given in early October in Hawaii in connection with the racketeering suit against the couple filed by the Manila government.

John Bartko, representing the Marcoses, complained that the tapes could be “easily distorted” for broadcast in the Philippines. Earlier, Pfaelzer ruled that the written transcripts of the depositions could be released to the public.


Other than a few biographical questions, both Marcoses refused to answer all questions from government attorneys, citing their privilege against self-incrimination. The Manila government is expected to return to Pfaelzer’s court Dec. 1 to argue for a court order forcing the Marcoses to answer questions about their wealth.
