
Attracting Candidates

Isn’t it a little self-serving on the part of the city and school incumbents to say that the lack of challengers in the upcoming local election is due to their doing a good job? The truth is that any intelligent person in Glendale would know that it is generally foolish to waste time and money running against incumbents.

City Councilwoman Ginger Bremberg was quoted as saying recently: “We are getting very upset about declining participation in the elective process. It’s frightening to think that a minority of a minority are determining vastly important issues.”

Surely Bremberg realizes that she and everyone else in Glendale politics were elected by that minority she refers to. But then, who in Glendale really cares? The upcoming election will prove her point since we have some retread incumbents for civic and certainly school offices who are tired political sycophants maintained in office by a complacent electorate.




Matthews was an unsuccessful candidate for the Glendale Unified School Board in 1983 and 1985.
