

Be alert after being bumped. Pickpockets thrive on distractions.

Don’t flash cash. If you need to count it, don’t do so in a crowd.

Be aware of anyone standing or sitting by you on the side where you carry your purse or wallet.

The behavior of the person next to you in public should conform to that of everyone else. If everyone is watching a race being run, or a touchdown being scored, beware if your neighbor’s attention is elsewhere.

Don’t ignore women with babies. Some pickpockets use the ruse of carrying babies while working.


Watch for people changing lines in public places. It may not be to get in a shorter line, but to get behind a better mark, as the victim is called.

As you walk away with cash, such as from a bank’s automatic teller machine, be alert if someone seems to follow you.

Don’t leave a purse unattended, even just to get up and cheer during a sporting event.

Don’t be paranoid about it, but don’t ignore someone near you carrying a jacket over his or her arm. The jacket may provide a hiding place for stolen items. Source: Oscar O’Lear, Hollywood Park Security Specialist
