
BECOMING Legal: A Guide to the New Immigration Law : To Get Additional Copies

Additional copies of Becoming Legal: a Guide to the New Immigration Law are available at:

Catholic Charities Legalization Centers.

Lutheran Social Services of Southern California, 1345 S. Burlington Ave., Los Angeles.

Member stores of the Mexican-American Grocers Assn.

International Institute, 435 S. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles.

Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), 634 S. Spring St., Los Angeles.

Los Angeles County Bar Assn., 300 N. Los Angeles St., Room 4349, Los Angeles.

Center for Employment Training facilities in Los Angeles and San Diego, El Centro and Vista.

Southern California Rapid Transit District ticket centers.

Greyhound Bus terminals in Los Angeles and East Los Angeles.

Chicano Ferderation, 610 22nd St., San Diego.

Church of the Messiah, 614 Bush St., Santa Ana.

Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 Canal St., Orange.

Up to two copies per request can be obtained from the Back Issues counter, The Los Angeles Times, 145 S. Spring St., Los Angeles.
