

A Dehesa man accused of kidnaping and molesting a 9-year-old Santee girl pleaded guilty Monday to two counts of lewd and lascivious acts with a minor.

David William Turner, 26, faces a maximum sentence of 22 years in state prison. San Diego Superior Court Judge Wayne Peterson set sentencing for June 4 and indicated that Turner is ineligible for probation.

The girl was kidnaped Nov. 1, according to testimony in the Dec. 29 preliminary hearing. She was released 12 hours later in El Cajon.


Charges of kidnaping the girl were dismissed, although the child molestation charges he pleaded guilty to include the enhancement that the victim had been kidnapped.

Turner will be required to register as a sex offender with the police deparment of whatever community he lives in after he is paroled from prison.

Each count of child molestation carries a maximum sentence of eight years. Even though the charges of kidnaping have been dropped, Turner’s sentence can be lengthened by three years on each count of child molestation because the acts were committed in conjunction with a kidnaping in the enhancement allegation.


Turner remains in County Jail in lieu of $1 million bail.
