

NBC, CBS and ABC finished 1-2-3 in both the weekly program and the evening newsratings released Tuesday by the A. C. Nielsen Co. NBC posted a 15.3 average for its program lineup, followed by CBS’ 13.3 and ABC’s 12.4. The evening news ratings were NBC 10.1, CBS 9.6 and ABC 8.8. Bill Cosby’s show topped the program ratings, followed by (in order) “Family Ties,” “Cheers,” “Golden Girls,” “Desperado,” “Murder Ordained” (part one), “Nothing in Common,” “Dallas” “Growing Pains” and “Police Story: The Freeway Killings.” There were 69 programs on the list, and all three networks had shows in the bottom five: “Amazing Stories,” “Thompson’s Last Run,” “Jack & Mike,” “Wizard” and “Our World” (in descending order). The complete Nielsen list appears on Page 7.
