
Manhattan Beach : Vandalism Rewards OKd

The City Council unanimously authorized rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone vandalizing public property.

The reward system, recommended by Police Chief Ted J. Mertens at the request of council members Gil Archuletta and Connie Sieber, would establish a $50 reward in cases of vandalism costing less than $500 and a $100 reward for more than $500 damage to city property, buildings and parks.

The reward money would be paid by the city and reimbursed by the person convicted of the vandalism, according to a report by Mertens. Higher rewards could be set for individual incidents if the council desired, he said.


The rewards are intended to provide an incentive for teen-agers to report crime, Merten said.

The council will complete plans for the reward system May 19.
