
Cushman Electronics Inc. Nearly Doubles Losses

Newport Beach-based Cushman Electronics Inc. nearly doubled its losses during the second fiscal quarter ended March 31, posting a $186,000 deficit as compared to a loss of $99,000 for the same time period last year. Revenue increased 2% to $1.9 million.

For the first fiscal six months, the maker of radio and telephone test equipment reported a $150,000 loss as compared to a loss of $268,000 during the first half of fiscal 1986. This year’s six-month figure includes a one-time gain of $142,000 from the termination of Cushman’s pension plan during the first quarter.

Sales for the first six months remained virtually unchanged at $3.8 million.

Vice Chairman Mark K. Howlett said he could not predict when Cushman might return to profitability but the company does have backlog orders valued at about $1 million--more than $400,000 higher than a year ago.
