
‘America’s Long March’

We shall see if you really mean what you say in your editorial, that what is important in the presidential campaign is “not who is ahead in the polls . . . but who is he?”

And here is how we will be able to assess your sincerity:

1--You will print the results of all popularity polls in small type on some back page, and you will not publish any poll results at all for 30 days prior to the election.

2--You will offer space to the major candidates to provide their own in-depth position papers on major issues for public analysis and response, rather than synthesizing their positions from random public remarks.


3--Your investigative reports will focus sharply on diplomatic and managerial skills in the candidates as evidenced by their track record and experience.

4--You will compile a list of experts in fields critical to presidential leadership, and having offered this list to the candidates ask them to identify who their key advisers are. Then you will evaluate these advisers even more stringently than the candidates.

5--You will look for qualified persons who do not have the power and financial bases of some candidates, and find ways to encourage public support of their candidacy.


6--You will campaign for the media to follow your example.


Thousand Oaks
