
‘America’s Long March’

Your editorial was timely, concise and certainly to the point.

In theory, our government is based on a division of powers among three coordinate branches, but in practice it is and always has been, based on presidential leadership. Our last several presidential elections, however, have been perfect examples of voter ignorance in action.

In our fragile world of today we cannot afford on-the-job training for its most powerful position. We cannot afford to elect any person who lacks congressional experience. The President not only needs this experience but also the voters should be able to examine a solid background of voting records and ratings by nationally respected organizations.

In a democratic form of government each voter has the personal responsibility to be well-informed.


I would urge The Times to give their readers the above information in a brief form, but one that covers most of the important issues. I would also urge any reader who wants more information regarding the candidates to consult the political science department of his/her closest college or university. The libraries on these campuses are also helpful sources of nonpartisan information.

We, too often, are the dupes of pretended patriots and expect mastery without apprenticeship. We like his smile and his personality on the 30-second commercials.

And so we elect the President our ignorance deserves.


