
Whale Found to Have Respiratory Ailment

Sea World’s ailing beluga whale has contracted a respiratory infection which may prove fatal because of its other health problems, personnel for the marine animal park reported Wednesday.

The whale, Big Mouth, was transferred to San Diego from Minnesota Zoo on April 26 so marine experts here could try to save the 2,125 pound mammal’s life. The 14-year-old whale has osteomyelitis--an inflammatory bone disease--in its left flipper, and experts said he had less than a year to live.

“He has just worsened over the last couple of days because he was already in a weakened condition,” said Jackie Hill, Sea World communications director. “It’s a respiratory infection and it is serious because of the osteomyelitis. I was told the diagnosis is grave. I can’t say he will die--when he came here we all knew that, everyone knew that.”


Big Mouth’s mate, Little Girl, was transfered here with him because, officials said, she becomes upset and won’t eat when he is not present. Hill said Little Girl is fine.
