
Now, It Seems, There’s Too Much to Remember

I just finished reading the Sugar Ray Robinson article by Earl Gustkey and I want to compliment him on the grace with which he handled a sensitive subject. We all grieve for the suffering of the great ones.

Sugar Ray Robinson will always be the standard by which all other are compared. I was 11 years old when he knocked out Gene Fuller, but I can remember all of my uncles and my father and his friends talking about it. I remember how excited they were.

Many years later, I purchased a videotape of famous fighters and the Fullmer-Robinson match is on the tape. It has to rank as one of the all-time great rematches ever fought. I agree with Mr. Gustkey, it was a perfect hook.


Thank you for the article, and one last thing: I, too, have the same problem remembering what I went to the supermarket to buy, while I am daydreaming about Roberto Clemente making perfect throws to third base from right field in the 1960 World Series against the Yankees. That’s a sure sign that you are getting old. You have a lot of things you can remember.


Los Angeles
