
The Region - News from May 10, 1987

A support group for AIDS victims is planning to sell bracelets engraved with the names and dates of death of people who died of the disease to create a bond between the public and those with the incurable disease. The Mother Cares Foundation is sponsoring the bracelet sales in hopes that the silver- or gold-plated ornaments will stimulate public awareness about acquired immune deficiency syndrome, said Mark Manning, creator of the bracelets. They can be obtained for a $10 donation, part of which will be used to defray manufacturing costs. The remaining money will be divided among three nonprofit groups, the Mother Cares Foundation, Mothers of AIDS Persons and a local AIDS group that has not yet been designated, he said. “I think people, who are not directly involved . . . will also respond because the bracelets symbolize determination and courage. It takes a lot of both to live each day with that disease,” Manning said.
