
Swiss Unwinding

I very much enjoyed reading on April 19 how “Switzerland’s Spas Offer the Chance to Unwind,” and, more specifically, that “a fine beginning to any health regimen is to take the Bernina Express from Geneva over the Alps to St. Moritz.” Your readers’ health regimen might be adversely affected by their frustration if they look for a Bernina Express in Geneva. No such train originates there.

I do recommend, however, that they take the train to Brig (about two hours) and change to the Glacier Express. They will have a magnificent, unforgettable trip over the Alps to St. Moritz. The trip lasts about six hours (originates in Zermatt). Then they could take the Bernina Express from St. Moritz down to Poschiavo and back, also a most enjoyable, very scenic and worthwhile train ride.

Permit me to point out that it’s Montreux--not Montreaux--another beautiful spot.


Los Angeles
