
Navy First to Drop Out of Balloon Race

United Press International

Less than six hours after lifting off, a white balloon bearing the Navy’s blue insignia touched down Sunday, the first entry to drop out of the Gordon Bennett International Balloon Race.

Five other balloons, representing the United States, Japan and Switzerland, continued to drift on light winds after the Navy’s entry landed at about 6 a.m. on a golf course 14 miles east of here.

The Navy balloon, carrying three crewmen--other entries were manned by teams of two--was unable to stay aloft, partly because of the light winds and partly because of the extra weight, said Frances Byrne, a spokeswoman for the 81st annual race.


“This year, the winds are less than 10 m.p.h.,” Byrne said. “We’ve never had such extremely calm wind conditions.

“It’s going to be a tactician’s strategy-type race rather than just who moves the fastest.”

The race, which began late Saturday night in this city’s Ruth Hardy Park, is won by the balloon that travels farthest. Pilots carry only navigational and communication equipment, food and lights for night flying.


Another of the U.S. entries, Windsong, piloted by Gordon Boring of Michigan and Don Davis of Long Beach, appeared to be in the lead Sunday after crossing the Mexican border at Coyote Wells at about 11 a.m., Byrne said.
