
The ‘Nonexistent’ Problem of Gay-Bashing

Curiouser and curiouser. Gays claim that gay-bashing is on the rise, but the cops say it isn’t on the rise because it doesn’t exist in the first place (Glendale section, April 23). Of course, the cops don’t keep statistics on gay-bashing because it doesn’t exist . . . and, naturally, the lack of statistics on gay-bashing proves it doesn’t exist.

Have you ever reported a gay-related battery incident to the cops, as I have had occasion to do twice in the past four years? They’re wonderfully friendly and helpful . . . that is, until they find out you’re gay. Then friendliness quickly changes to correctness. You can say the incident is clearly gay-related 25 times, but do they ever bother to write that in their report? Of course not: they’re not supposed to record data on such matters, because such data are, after all, irrelevant.

The person who insists that such data be included will quickly get the standard stern and cold lecture about “Don’t tell me how to do my job”--and guaranteed inattention to his complaint thereafter. The message is abundantly clear: Uppity Fags need not call the cops--about anything.


And, meanwhile, Councilman Woo scores lots of points with the airheads who pay attention only to headlines and don’t follow the details and developments of a story: their reaction will be (as Woo will undoubtedly claim in his next councilmanic campaign), “Wow, he proposed a hot line, he’s on our side!”--when all that he’s done is to suggest that the city fund another, separate hot line--two days after members of the community have already started one!

At best, Councilman Woo’s actions count for absolutely nothing; at worst, they are a calculated, cynical and reprehensible attempt to feather his own political nest by stealing credit for the actions of others--actions which Mr. Woo and other officials of this city have consistently refused to take. He should be ashamed.


