
Fawn Hall Testifies for 3 Hours Before Federal Grand Jury

United Press International

Fawn Hall, the former secretary of Lt. Col. Oliver L. North who has told of shredding secret documents in the Iran- contra scandal, appeared today before the federal grand jury of special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh.

Hall, dressed in a cocoa-colored linen suit and high-heeled pumps, spent nearly three hours before the panel and declined comment on her testimony as she left.

North and Hall allegedly destroyed so many documents the shredding machine broke down on Nov. 21, the Friday night they were warned that Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese III was beginning a probe.


Sen. Howell Heflin (D-Ala.), a member of the Senate Iran-contra committee, said today that Hall has been asked to appear before that panel and he expects she will testify that she sneaked documents out of North’s office by putting them in “her brassiere and other clothes as she left.”
