
Partying With Pascal at Orchid Ball

Times Staff Writer

Traditionally, only those who collect Pascal’s bigger sculpture (her pieces go for as much as $300,000) are entitled to her miniatures. Thus, it was a select coterie, maybe 30 or so, who were wearing her jewelry for the National Arts Assn. gala Orchid Ball last weekend at the Beverly Wilshire. More than 450 crowded the ballroom, Pascal pals coming from long distances to join in the tribute to the artist. Joan and Morrie Alhadeff, friends for more than 49 years and collectors of 19 pieces of sculpture (both stainless steel and glass) flew in from Seattle (he’s president of Seattle’s Long Acres, the thoroughbred race track). Manfried and Elizabeth Swarvoski flew in from Vienna. Both women wore Pascal pale green sculpted torsos encrusted with jewels around their necks.

Alice Tyler, Pascal’s largest collector, with 80 pieces, was hosting her own Tyler Prize dinner the same evening at Chasen’s and couldn’t attend, but major fans including Ray and Joyce Watt and William and Barbara Belzberg came. Collector Merle Kingsley fingered a Pascal profile possessively. The artist chose to wear an Indian chief sculpture with her mother’s engagement diamond and diamond drop earrings inset. Daughter Jill Petty wore a Christmas-present Pascal torso, and granddaughter Lisa Petty, 17, her hair in a pretty braid, had a pony-head sculpture with a mane of gold in youthful play. It was her 16th-birthday present.

Stanley and Jeanne Johnson (she’s president) joined benefit chairman Betty Hollingsworth and her husband with Pascal and her husband, Jim Regan, in the receiving line. Later Betty told the gala crowd, “I always said that if ever I were ball chairman, it would be to honor Pascal.” Benefit funds will be given to artistic college students.


LEADERSHIP: The courtyard of Pasadena’s magnificent Italianate courthouse was a joyous fiesta the other eve. The campaign leadership for the new coordinated YMCA/YWCA Building Project kicked off “Looking Towards . . . Tomorrow . . . the Second Century” with a glorious Southwestern fiesta and dancing under the rotunda to the Burt Jones Combo, amid laser entertainment. Already, Kenneth Rhodes and Nancy Wheat, advance gifts co-chairmen, and Margaret Adams and William Johns, major donor co-chairmen, are ahead of the game. They’ve got help, too, from their honorary chairmen: Dr. Lee DuBridge, James N. Gamble, Adelaide Hixon and Andrea Van De Kamp. Community leaders such as Richard D. Biggar, Peter R. Palermo, Wendy Cobleigh, Lucina Lea Moses, Gene W. Gibba and Barbara J. Martyn are involved.

MANNEQUINS: Stylistically, Mannequins Auxiliary of the Assistance League of Southern California are putting the polish on their “Afternoon With Eve” benefit fashion show and tea Thursday at the Bel-Air estate of the Ralph Mishkins. Certain philanthropic groups have nominated candidates to receive the Crystal Apple for philanthropy and fashion of a “distinctive personal style,” and the names are out: They’re Kathleen McCarthy, Cordella Owens, Arletta Tronstein, Betty Jane Belden, Constance Towers, Gloria Holden and Sally Stewart. The Golden Eve, by tradition presented to an Eve honoree previously honored, will go to Candice Spelling. Mrs. Dennis B. Needleman is award chairman and Mrs. George S. Karl benefit chairman.

SPRING TRA-LA: Peninsula socialites will flock to South Coast Botanic Garden today for the special members preview benefit before the annual plant sale, Fiesta de Flores, Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. According to Kay Conrad, more than 11,000 plants, trees and flowers, some rare and exotic, will provide plenty of temptation. It’s a good cause: improvement of the garden, one of the Los Angeles County Arboreta’s four facilities. Members of the South Coast Botanic Garden Foundation, headed by event chairman Rowe Prideaux of Palos Verdes Estates, will staff the sale, boutiques and horticultural clinics.


PLAUDITS: The newly formed President’s Advisory Council of the University of La Verne hosts its first dinner and a reverse raffle Saturday at Santa Anita Race Track Infield Pavilion. Anesthesiologist Fay S. Anderson says Rococo will cater, Jacob Maarse will arrange the flowers, Roger Barkley will emcee, and $10,000 cash and round-trip tickets on American Airlines to Manchester, England, are top prizes .
