
BIA Midyear Forecast to Be Given at Two Sessions

The Building Industry Assn. of Southern California will present back-to-back Midyear Real Estate Forecasts on June 2-3 at the Beverly Hilton and the Anaheim Hilton, respectively.

Keynote speakers will be Preston Martin, former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and James M. Cirona, president of the Federal Home Loan Bank, while Lt. Gov. Leo McCarthy and Ray Watson, vice chairman of the Irvine Co., top a list of government, building and real estate industry executives who will speak or serve as panelists.

Martin and McCarthy will address the Beverly Hills meeting while Cirona and Watson will speak at the Anaheim session.


Builders, developers, architects, financiers, government leaders and others related to the construction and real estate fields will be among the 1,400 expected to attend the meetings, scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Michael S. Salkin, vice president of the real estate division of First Interstate Bank, and David F. Seiders, chief economist and senior vice president of the National Assn. of Home Builders, will be among the principal speakers.

Details are available by calling 213/273-5148.
