
Cruz in the Cross Hairs

Arturo Cruz Jr. (“Notes of a Counterrevolutionary,” April 19) sheds no new light on the Nicaraguan situation, but we know more about a wealthy young Nicaraguan who seems to have overrated his place on the “train of history.” Cruz says nothing positive about the542335342making outstanding progress in literacy, health care, education and land reform for Nicaragua’s poor. It also appears that thousands of well-documented atrocities by the contras against civilian noncombatants have made no impression on him (or is that the “excellent product” of the contras he refers to?).

Since 1981, some 10,000 Nicaraguans have died in the struggle for the hearts and minds of the Nicaraguan people, and many thousands more will die if President Reagan gets his way. Just whom does Arturo Cruz Jr. care about?

Bill Becker

Woodland Hills
