
Downey : $42-Million Budget Studied

The Downey City Council is considering a preliminary budget that proposes spending $42.29 million in 1987-88, a slight increase from the $41.46 million the city expects to spend this fiscal year.

The City Council held its first study session on the budget Monday, one of several sessions before the spending plan is expected to be approved by mid-June, city officials said. The preliminary budget submitted by City Manager Don Davis anticipates that Downey will receive revenues of $41.55 million next year, compared to its projected income of $39.24 million for the current fiscal year, which ends June 30.

The budget contains a $4.1-million general fund reserve, the same as this year. The general fund includes money for basic city services, including police and fire protection.


The spending plan has money for several new programs, including a computerized fingerprint system for the Police Department and the city’s newly hired Sacramento lobbyist.

But money for Downey’s Social Services Grant Program is not in the budget, saving the city about $20,000. Organizations assisting the handicapped, people with drug and alcohol problems and youths seeking jobs received funds this year under the program, said Jim Jarrett, director of community services. Funding for the grant program was tied to federal revenue-sharing monies, which the city will not receive next year, Jarrett said.
