
Psychotherapy Program for Older Adults Set at Rancho Los Amigos

The Clinical Gerontology Service of Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center has recently expanded its program of psychosocial services for older adults living in the community by developing “Coping With Change in Late Life,” a group program to assist older persons who are having difficulty adjusting to problems.

Candidates for the group are persons at least 60 years of age with a depressed mood, discouragement, prolonged bereavement or a lengthy period of unhappiness and loss of normal interests. June 1 is the starting date of the next 12-session group, which will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fridays at the hospital, 7601 E. Imperial Highway. The education and psychotherapy program is designed to improve functioning through a combination of interpersonal, cognitive and behavioral processes. Transportation can be arranged within certain distances.

The gerontology service is also offering an education and support group program to assist family members and others. Relatives of participants in the Coping With Change in Late Life group will meet once a week during the first eight weeks of the program. There is no charge for either group. Those interested in further information or referrals to the group can contact Malcolm Schleh at (213) 940-7402.
