
Buying Votes With Doughnuts

Willie Brown and his cohorts running the Democratic Party in California insulted the average Democrat by offering to buy votes for one dozen doughnuts to maintain the 33rd state Senate District in their fold. And the strange part is that so many voters took the bait.

It cost them 13,000 dozen doughnuts, but we have to assume that at least 6,500 were serious voters and would have voted without the doughnuts. But that leaves quite a few voters who sure put a small price on their vote.

I remember that Thomas Jefferson said something to the effect that the people get the government they deserve. I think in this instance it could be said they will no doubt get the government they bought--at a price of a dozen doughnuts. Don’t get me wrong, if the Republicans had made the same offer I would have been equally mad.


I just can’t wait to see the price of a vote in the next election.


Buena Park
