
‘Asked for It’

“How can you use the grief that I know you feel to politicize . . . this situation?” Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) asked Ben Linder’s mother at a hearing of the House Western Hemisphere affairs subcommittee on May 13. “I don’t want to be tough on you,” Mack continued, “but I feel you asked for it.”

The Linders reared a son who thought for himself and didn’t fall in line just because his government told him he should hate Sandinistas.

They reared a son so gutsy and so loving he was willing to risk his life to help economically poor Nicaraguans to build up their town.


Wake up, Rep. Mack. Ben Linder has offered a lot of us Americans something to be proud of--something that our government’s cynical, undemocratic policy in Central America has not provided for a long time.


Canoga Park
