
Cruz Missives

Arturo Cruz Jr. (“Notes of a Counterrevolutionary,” April 19) seems to especially resent the myriads of North Americans who flock to Nicaragua to take stock of things. He says their agenda is always to impress some constituency back home, rather than to learn about Nicaragua. Well, in the daily papers I read of contra attacks on agricultural collectives referred to as “victories.” I read of peasant farmers who arm themselves to guard against contra attacks referred to as “combatants.” With all this doublespeak going on, I’m not surprised that American citizens of all walks of life form delegations and visit Nicaragua.

Most of these visitors are already inclined to support the Nicaraguan revolution. Many are disappointed at the lack of freedom of the press, and many do not believe that all of Nicaragua’s problems are due to the U.S. embargo and Reagan’s war against her. But one thing is certain: All visitors except those from the far right come away convinced that the U.S. war against Nicaragua is wrong.

The U.S. public simply does not believe that Nicaragua is a threat to the world. We do not accept the idea that, simply because a government chooses an economic and political system different from ours, it deserves to be overthrown. And most important, after Vietnam and Watergate (and now Contra - gate) we are not always inclined to believe what the President says.

Winston Steward

Los Angeles
