
New L.A. School Superintendent

As a parent of two children in the Los Angeles School District, I must respectfully disagree with Frank del Olmo’s article (Editorial Pages, May 14), “L.A.’s Insensitive School Board.” In the past I have not always agreed with many of the board’s decisions, but in this case, I felt it took a tremendous amount of courage for them to buck the political pressure.

In choosing Leonard M. Britton of Dade County, Fla., it would seem from reading his credentials, that he is a highly qualified individual to lead the 590,000 students and administer a budget of more than $3.2 billion.

It is not in the best interest of the children, Los Angeles or society at all to appoint a person based only on the fact that he has been a “company man” in the local schools. All of us deserve a man who has vision, intelligence, a high level of education and tremendous hands-on work experience. This alone should and seems to have been the criteria used.


The school board did not intentionally plan to slight any individual because of his ethnic background. The board searched and seemed to have found a more qualified individual, and that should make all groups in our society feel pleased. For all parents, the most important thing is to provide our children with a good education so that they can be productive human beings. If Britton can work toward achieving that goal, then it would be in the best interest of every group concerned to work with him in a positive manner.


