
Bruce Willis Accused of Battery on Police Officer

Actor Bruce Willis, who plays a smart-aleck private detective on the television show “Moonlighting,” was arrested after he allegedly tussled with police during a raucous party at his Hollywood Hills home Monday night, Lt. Neil Zachary said.

Willis, 32, wearing only slacks and shoes, and one other party-goer were arrested for battery on a police officer. Three other guests were arrested for interfering with an officer. All were released on their own recognizance.

Zachary said police, responding to neighbors’ complaints, initially received no response after knocking at Willis’ door and yelling over his fence. Officers then walked through an open glass door and summoned Willis, who “directed abusive language at them and attempted to shove them out of his house.”


As officers were leading the hand-cuffed actor to a car, one party-goer scuffled with them before running into the house, Zachary said. When police gave chase, three others attempted to block their way, he said. All four were arrested along with Willis.

During the scuffle, Willis apparently re-injured his left collarbone, broken in a skiing accident, and was taken to Queen of Angels Hospital before booking.

“It’s not the first time (the neighbors complained),” Sgt. Michael Schneider said. “We’ve got eight or 10 who are dying to sign a report because he (Willis) won’t shut the music off.”


A publicist for Willis declined to comment on the arrest.
