
The Region : Robbers Forced to Flee Without Cash

A man who saw three masked and armed bank robbers racing out of a Quartz Hill bank rammed their car with his truck, causing the robbers to leave the stolen money to make their getaway, officials said. The three bandits entered the First Federal Savings & Loan, 42001 W. 50th St., demanding money, Deputy Bob Nimtz said. After tellers complied, the men ran to their waiting car, he said. An unidentified motorist saw them and rammed the car with his 2 1/2-ton truck, pushing the car up on the curb and forcing the robbers to flee on foot with guns blazing at other passers-by who tried to stop them, Nimtz said. No one was injured. Nimtz said the bandits commandeered another car, which later was found abandoned. The rammed car contained all but $24 of the stolen money, Nimtz said, but he would not reveal how much was taken from the bank. One suspect, David Clinton Dawson, 23, of Lancaster was arrested later in the day, deputies said.
