
Long-Term Problems of Garbage Disposal

I feel cities should be responsible for their own waste, and I completely agree with Morris when he says, “You want nuclear power. Fine. You handle the radioactive wastes.” If each city was responsible for its own waste, new and better ways of getting rid of waste would be developed. Also, if cities would try to develop ways of handling their own waste, rather than trying to dump it in some other areas, oceanic experts would not fear that the ocean would become a “dump site.”

Dumping grounds all over the United States have already contaminated much of our ground water supply and soil, which are going to be completely useless for thousands, and even millions of years. Is the ocean going to become the latest victim to be contaminated by human beings’ lack of responsibility to the environment? We’ve already ruined the air and the soil.

The oceans’ potentials have barely been realized, and the ocean still holds a mystery for us. We need to preserve the ocean to discover the oceans’ full potentials. After all, some of the oldest living organisms still live in the ocean. What does the ocean offer that we don’t know about?



San Diego
