
Long-Term Problems of Garbage Disposal

I have read with some interest the article, “Soon No Site Will Be Off-Limits for Garbage Disposal,” and I do not think the authors dealt with this growing problem head-on.

California voters have turned down the California bottle bill twice because of the corporations’ advertising campaigns and the lobbyists in Sacramento trying to put the fear of higher prices into the voters’ minds.

Just picture in your mind, if you will, a city where every can, bottle, newspaper, oil from cars and trucks, and every bit of plastic and metal were to be recycled. What would be left to put into landfills?


There would be no broken glass to step on at the beach, no cans in the rivers and highways. We could conserve on oil-based plastic bags because paper bags would be cheaper to manufacture.

The Los Angeles area is in need of a better disposable system for its trash, if only for our children to raise there children in.

I hope that Friedman and LaFollette can do more than co-author AB 1489, the stopping of new landfills, for the future of our children is on the line.



