
Fans of Sunny, Balmy Weather Get Good News From Forecast

If you liked Southern California’s sunny weather the last couple of days, chances are you’re going to enjoy the rest of this weekend, too.

Forecasters said it might be a degree or two warmer in the afternoons and maybe just a bit cloudier along the coast during the mornings--but by and large, conditions seemed right for the kind of weekend that makes some people want to move here and keeps residents from moving away.

“I can’t see a single major problem in the upper atmosphere pattern over the Southland just now,” said Cary Schudy, a meteorologist and spokesman for Earth Environment Service, a private forecasting firm based in San Francisco.


“The only disturbance is a deep low in the Gulf of Alaska--and that will have no effect whatever. The weekend should be just about optimum for the season.”

National Weather Service Meteorologist Mark McKinley said Orange County residents can expect highs in the mid-60s and mid-70s today and Sunday, with tonight’s temperatures dipping into the mid to upper 50s.

Beach temperatures were expected to hit the high 60s and low 70s both afternoons, with surf running two to four feet in most places.
