
AND WAIT, THERE’S MORE: Is Chrissie Hynde...

AND WAIT, THERE’S MORE: Is Chrissie Hynde going solo? Not quite. But the leader of the Pretenders will abandon her band long enough to perform “Where Have I Seen You?” over the closing credits for United Artists’ upcoming James Bond film, “The Living Daylights,” due out July 31. The really odd wrinkle is that Hynde co-wrote the song with John Barry, the Bond series’ longtime composer. Barry and Hynde also teamed up on a second song, “Where Has Everybody Gone?,” which will be performed by the Pretenders. . . . Closer to home, KROQ’s peripatetic deejay, Jim (Poorman) Trenton, will host the First Poorman’s Beach Party today from 1 to 7 p.m. at the (land-locked) football field at Cal State Northridge. The event will feature live performances by Jan & Dean, the Surfaris and Riptides.
